Holiday Peace

Recent experiences have no doubt left us a little baffled and perplexed. Throw in the holiday season and it can easily feel like system overload. We need to remember what it feels like to be a little lighter in heart and at peace with where we now are in our lives.

This healing meditation will address exhaustion, anxiety, family angst, financial stress, loneliness, overwhelm and sadness.

What: A recorded meditation to help bring peace and love, kindness and forgiveness to your heart. This meditation will bring healing for the physical, mental and emotional self at whichever capacity is just right for you.

Why: The current collective mood can be loaded with emotional triggers starting from early childhood through the senior years, in other words, a lifetime! This meditation will soften those emotions enabling you to get through them. Hopefully you will see things differently and find that you’ve made it through without a breakdown.

When: This recording is available for immediate purchase. Once it is downloaded you may listen anywhere and anytime that is convenient. Please do not share this download, as it is specific to each individual who has made the purchase.

How: Click on the link below. Download the session and get yourself comfy cozy. 

*Please do not share this download, as it is specific to each individual who has made the purchase.

Holiday Peace Meditation