Summer Solstice Meditation

June 20, 2024

Summer! A time of bounty, and excitement, a time for expectations to come into full bloom. However, the full bloom doesn't happen overnight. We patiently nurture it and love it, urging and encouraging its growth.

The Solstice is a perfect time to review the past few months or year. It is a very powerful time for manifesting! Through this meditation you will feel centered and aligned, clear and focused, and ready to move forward with your goals, targets and hopes.


What: A 30 minute recorded guided meditation to bring balance and clarity, while tapping into your passion for life. We will release the limited thought patterns and bring forth refreshed, renewed and recharged positive thought. This meditation also includes healing for the physical, mental and emotional self. 

When:  Once it is downloaded you may listen anywhere, anytime and as many times as you like. Please do not share this download, as it is specific to each individual who has made the purchase.

How: Click on the link. Download the session and allow yourself to receive this Divine clearing.

Cost: $30.00

Click here to purchase.

* You do not have to be in the Northern hemisphere to benefit from this meditation.